Do you make resolutions or choose a word of the year to inspire you? If you’re a business owner or organization leader, do you set new volunteer recruitment or financial goals? Or maybe you just pop open some bubbly on December 31 and slide into the year, hoping for good health, prosperity and profit.

The Concrete Chamber is looking ahead to 2024 with a vision of putting our community on the map. Here’s what that means, specifically (uhh.. concretely)…
We plan to attract visitors and new residents because we know they will increase the vitality and diversity of our area.
We plan to work closely with our town’s officials to create policies and procedures that help maintain quality of life and help make our businesses more successful.
We plan to increase awareness of Concrete’s past and spotlight the history of nearby communities.
We plan to raise the level of engagement in our community so people know what the Chamber of Commerce already does and can do for our local economy.
We’re working on media and marketing campaigns that pique curiosity, enhance our reputation, showcase our assets, and multiply the traffic to our websites as well as in Town Center.
And there’s more we could be doing. We recognize what an amazing place we live in, surrounded by mountains and rivers and parks and trails. Let’s use that but not abuse it. Let’s find ways to share it with visitors while maintaining the peace and slower pace we appreciate.
You can help by sharing your opinion. Do you agree that we all benefit from more enthusiastic volunteers in our service organizations, more successful businesses offering unique products and services, and more in-depth education about our history?
The easiest way to make your voice heard is to attend a Concrete Chamber meeting, held the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Alternatively, you’re welcome to send a message to our board or call our office for more information.
First Thursday, 6:00 p.m., Act One Ice Cream Parlor, 45924 Main Street
CALL OUR OFFICE: (360) 853-8784